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Showing posts from August, 2020

Anger is a form of energy, channelize it in right direction

HOW  TO CONTROL ANGER Question – I have tried to control my anger several times. But even after many efforts it occurs, though I want to avoid it. In the office and even in the social circle I lose my temper which affects relationships there. I realize my mistakes later but that becomes too late. Is there any method to control anger? Answer- There is certainly a method to control anger. Knowing anger is the way forward to control it.  The purpose of anger is to make humans aware of their emotions. Therefore do not be angry rather know it in reality. Being  angry leads to destruction while knowing anger leads to liberation from anger.                 Anger means energy - this has to be understood that all kinds of emotions which arise in minds are forms of energy. Anger, greed, attachment, consciousness and sadness are forms of energy. Moreover, everything in the universe is a form of energy. Positive emotions generate positive ...