Who are minorities? Does the minority only mean a religious group? Or is it just a political term? let's analyze it...
In any country, any organized religion or community sharing the same identity whose population exceeds 50% is considered a majority group, while other groups are considered minorities.
But in the same country there are some places where these so-called majority groups are less in number...but don't they become minority groups in that particular area.
If it's only about the low population and backwardness of some religious groups then there are other facts also which contradict the whole popular perception
In history, minority groups have ruled over India.
British and Mughals were also the minority groups when they were ruling over India.
Now, why do minorities feel unsafe?
In society, it can be clearly observed that there is some partition among different identity groups depending upon the places, some places being more homogeneous while others are less. It's mainly due to the way of living of different groups. But the need for coexistence, moreover to fulfill one's basic needs of survival, all the communities have to interact with one another.
There are many places in India where Hindus are fewer in number.
Sikhs, Christians, and Parsis are also minority communities.
The minority also corresponds to the regional and linguistic background
(in Bihar Bengalis, Punjabis, Sindhis, etc are minorities, in Punjab Biharis, Bengalis, etc. are minorities)
Can we fix any formula for associating minorities with backwardness or forwardness?
Why is fear cultivated among minority groups?
Isn't this fear sponsored by some people or groups with vested interests.
Isn't dirty politics being played by incorporating thoughts of hatred, revenge, and insecurity into the minds of people?
Even so-called educated or intellectuals are also political as they are biased with their ideologies.
Actually, these are the GOOD AND SENSITIVE PEOPLE, who are in the minority all around the world.
The religion of tolerance & acceptance is a minority religion.
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