Before starting this topic, let us first understand some basic concepts about the mind. What is the mind? The mind is a bundle or collection of thoughts. So whatever thoughts in the form of memories of the past events, persons or places, and all kinds of information and desires are collectively called mind. We actually do any work, be it small or great, with the help of mind only. Now the important thing is that the thoughts of pleasure or pain are just the thoughts as other thoughts are. So if we control or change the thought process of mind then even seemingly bad situations won't have any negative effect on our life. In other words, we can choose our own way of responding to any situation and live a more peaceful life. Controlling the mind means harbouring positive thoughts in mind and getting rid of all negative thoughts.
The practical methods to control the mind are:
- Engagement: A very simple but yet very powerful way to make your mind forget useless things is to get engaged in doing some work you like, be it any professional work or hobby like reading, writing, singing, dancing, cooking etc. Once we engage our body in doing some work, the mind automatically gets engaged in that work and nonsensical thoughts stop coming to mind to a greater extent.
- Travel: Travelling to new places feed the mind with new thoughts of different people, culture and natural scenes which are new and pleasant to the mind. Thus mind forgets old things and gets new energy and purpose to live.
- Physical exercises: Start from doing simple exercises which would make your body fit and keep the mind active. Scientific research says that while doing exercises positive hormones are secreted in the body which reduce stress and give the feeling of happiness and freshness.
- Breathing Exercises: Breath is the most basic life force which keeps us alive. Besides that, the mind is closely connected to the breath. If there is any negative thought like anger, anxiety, stress or fear, the breath becomes abnormal. If the mind is peaceful, the breath becomes absolutely normal. So the reverse must be also true. If we can make the breath normal, the mind would not get any negative thought. Practice deep breathing on a routine basis. Slowly you will observe the difference in the patterns of mind.
- Passion: Keep searching what satisfies your heart the most. Find a passion and keep pursuing it. Without purpose, the mind becomes lethargic and depressed. Passion gives new purpose to the mind and the process of pursuing it itself becomes a meditation as people forget every other thing which was hindering his progress.
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