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How To Learn Any New or Foreign Language Faster

In the age of globalisation, with faster means of transport and advancement of the Internet, it becomes a requirement for many people to learn a new language.  For many people, it may be the professional need or survival need,  while for some people it may be simply their interest in learning a new language. There can be numerous reasons for learning a new language. So in this blog, I will suggest some methods which can be applied to learn any language faster and making the whole process of learning interesting.

  • Command over one language: It is very necessary to have good command over at least one language so that in the initial stage we can easily learn using one language as a medium of learning grammar rules, vocabulary, phrases etc.  and relating to the things already known. Suppose if one has to learn Spanish, then proficiency in English can help him in understanding the text of Spanish by translating it into English, he can relate Spanish sentences to English sentences which he already knows, and he can read or listen to the explanation given by the author or the teacher and understand it quickly if the explanation is given in English.

  • Basic Grammar Rules: Any language is based on certain grammar which lays down the rules of sentence structure of that language. So a new learner must know the basic grammar of the new language.

  • Basic Vocabulary:       It is quite clear that any language means a stock of vocabularies. So a beginner should learn at least 3000 to 5000 vocabularies of the language which are commonly used on a daily basis.      
  • Reading Simple and Short Text: Reading short texts, again and again, makes one learn the sentence structure of the language unconsciously viz.  one slowly begins to grasp the ways of the new language as the text contains the whole context.

  • Watching movies, listening to songs:      This is the most effective way of learning any language in an interesting way. A movie contains an audio-visual presentation of the stories, thus helping the learners in listening to the native sounds and tones, and comprehending the language by watching the real like situations when certain dialogues are spoken.

  • Make use of Technology: This era is gifted with wonderful technology called IT technology which is advancing day by day. Learners can use any language learning app, watch videos on youtube or can avail the facility of any online course.
  • Don't hesitate in making mistakes: To err is human, so never hesitate in making mistakes because learning starts from mistakes. If you find any speaker of that language, then try to talk to him in that language. Never ever hesitate!!!
Last but not least, one has to develop an interest in learning a new language and should be regular in learning it.


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